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Artists Market

I had a stall at the Brunswick Artists Market for the second time. I wanted to share my experience from selling art at (this) market so that you can learn from it. (If you’re an artist considering selling your art at a market, you might find this useful)


  • It’s 5 hours, from 10am to 3pm, with an hour for set up

  • Anyone can apply, it’s $40 for a stall

  • The money they make goes to co-ground, to support educational projects in Vanuatu and Australia (alignment on values there)

  • It’s held in this bar, Spotted Mallard, 314 Sydney Rd, Brunswick at least till December 2019, (indoors, live stage, coffee and drinks available)

I attended my first market in April 2019. It was my first ever so I didn’t really know what to expect, I had to figure out logistics, displays, document and package all the art (mat-boards kits bought on eBay). It was generally quite slow but I sold a couple pieces and saw what other artists are doing.

This was my stall. Lot's of space to display artworks

I had a much better day this month. I’m assuming those reasons:

  • Better spot on the floor ( came earlier to get it)

  • Better display (plate holders from IKEA recommended)

  • My works grouped into themes ( I left other “random” pieces at home)

  • I simplified my pricing to small, medium, large (to make the choice easier)

  • The weather was better and more people came (can’t really control that though)


I had 4 collections, flowers, family, water and desert, and sold 2 of each one.

Sales revenue tripled

2 people said I’m crazy for charging so low for originals (might need to rethink my pricing)

A lot of people asked if these are prints (no, all originals)

A lot of people commented on the vibrant colors (check out BoBBlast on YouTube)

Reflections: I like the personal contact at the markets but not sure if my ideal audience is there. People at markets are prepared to pay smaller sums. There’s a lot of prints sold by others and it takes almost the whole day. I might do one or 2 markets a year for fun and to test people's face o face reactions to new collections. I enjoy making those small pieces too and a I’m happy to see others happy and enjoying my work. Unlike “at work”, I do it for myself and “what others think is not my concern” in a way.

My dream and plan is to have a bigger studio where I can do bigger pieces and make them available for interiors through interior designers, galleries and private collectors. Stay tuned for that.

In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding my experience, feel free to send me an email. And I’m keen to hear what you think of artists markets!

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